The Great Hunt


This is a basic Tintin script that is also compatible with Wintin 1.4

#alias {a} {$skill $target}
#alias {aa %0} {$spell $0}
#alias {aaa} {c 'acid bl'}
#alias {acid} {c 'acid blast'}
#alias {ao} {open north;open south;open east;open west;open up;open down}
#alias {armor} {c 'armor'}
#alias {b} {back $target}
#alias {bas} {bash}
#alias {bd} {drag $target down}
#alias {be} {drag $target east}
#alias {beguile %0} {#action {%%0 is here.} {$do %%0} {1};#action {%%0 has arrived.} {$do %%0} {1};#action {%%0 comes flying into the room} {$do %%0} {2};#action {%%0 appears in the room} {$do %%0} {3}}
#alias {bfd} {drag $friend down}
#alias {bfe} {drag $friend east}
#alias {bfn} {drag $friend north}
#alias {bfs} {drag $friend south}
#alias {bfu} {drag $friend up}
#alias {bfw} {drag $friend west}
#alias {bin} {c 'port' master binder}
#alias {binder} {c 'portal' master binder}
#alias {bl} {c 'blind'}
#alias {bless} {c 'bless'}
#alias {bn} {drag $target north}
#alias {bs} {drag $target south}
#alias {bt} {c 'blind' $target}
#alias {bu} {drag $target up}
#alias {bw} {drag $target west}
#alias {calico} {c 'portal' calico}
#alias {can} {c 'cancel'}
#alias {cancel} {c 'cancel'}
#alias {ch} {c 'chain' $target}
#alias {cha} {c 'charm'}
#alias {chan} {c 'channel'}
#alias {channel} {#var channel %0}
#alias {char} {c 'charm'}
#alias {charm} {c 'charm}
#alias {cir} {9e}
#alias {clarkson %0} {#ses $0 9000}
#alias {con} {c 'confus'}
#alias {consume} {#var consume %0}
#alias {container} {#var container %0}
#alias {cos %0} {#ses $0 4000}
#alias {ct} {c 'curse' $target}
#alias {curse} {c 'curse'}
#alias {death %0} {#action {%%0 is here.} {$dothis %%0} {0};#action {%%0 has arrived.} {$dothis %%0} {0};#action {%%0 comes flying into the room} {$dothis %%0} {0}}
#alias {dest %0} {drop $0;sac $0}
#alias {destroy %0} {drop $0;sac $0}
#alias {dg} {c 'dragon grasp'}
#alias {dir} {dirt}
#alias {dis} {disarm}
#alias {disa} {disarm}
#alias {dispel} {c 'dispel ma'}
#alias {do} {#var do %0}
#alias {dolev} {wear shield;wear glowb;rem earth;wear emera;wear boot;wear ward;rem 'sub cloak';rem 'sub cloak';wear all.brown}
#alias {done} {nofol;nofol}
#alias {door} {#var door %0}
#alias {dot} {#var dot %0}
#alias {dothat} {#var dothat %0}
#alias {dothi} {#var dothi %0}
#alias {dothis} {dothi}
#alias {downwards} {down}
#alias {dt} {c 'dispel ma' $target}
#alias {earth} {c 'gate' earth ruler}
#alias {ed} {c 'energy drain'}
#alias {edt} {c 'energy drain' $target}
#alias {eg} {ent gate}
#alias {ep} {enter portal}
#alias {eryl} {c 'portal' eryl}
#alias {et} {c 'tele'}
#alias {expon} {#action {^You receive %8} {$level $leveler : $8}}
#alias {f} {quaff $potion}
#alias {fa} {c 'faerie fire'}
#alias {fall} {force $target drop all}
#alias {fcan} {force all c 'cancel'}
#alias {fchannel} {#var fchannel %0}
#alias {fd} {order all drop all}
#alias {fdr %0} {order $0 drop all}
#alias {fdt} {order $target drop all}
#alias {fed} {force all c 'energy dra' self}
#alias {fg %0} {force all give $0 $self}
#alias {fitch} {port fitch}
#alias {fk %0} {force all kill $0}
#alias {fle} {flee}
#alias {fly} {c 'fly'}
#alias {flyme} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'fly' $self;#%%0 slee}
#alias {food} {#var food $0}
#alias {for} {FORCE}
#alias {forc} {force}
#alias {force} {order}
#alias {fp} {force all c 'portal' dfdf}
#alias {fr} {force all rem all}
#alias {frem} {force $target remove all}
#alias {fren} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'fren' $self;#%%0 slee}
#alias {friend} {#var friend %0}
#alias {frt} {order $target rem all}
#alias {fsanct} {force all sanct $self}
#alias {ft} {c 'faerie fire' $target}
#alias {ftg %0} {force $target give $0 $self}
#alias {ftr %0} {force $target remove $0}
#alias {full} {get $water $container;#7 drink $water;put $water $container}
#alias {g} {get all}
#alias {ga} {get coin corpse;get all corpse}
#alias {gall} {get all}
#alias {gate} {c 'gate'}
#alias {gateme} {#c stand;#c c 'gate' $self;#al bless {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'bless' $self;#%%0 sleep;#al fren {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'fren' $self;#%%0 slee}}}
#alias {gc} {get coin corpse}
#alias {gf} {c 'giant' $friend}
#alias {gg} {$consume $this}
#alias {gh %0} {#ses $0 4000}
#alias {giant} {c 'giant'}
#alias {giantme} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'giant' $self;#%%0 slee}
#alias {gimp %0} {al {healme} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'heal' $self;#%%0 slee};#al me {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'sanct' $self;#%%0 slee};#al food {#%%0 stand;#5 #%%0 c 'create fo';#%%0 slee};#al spring {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'create sp';#%%0 slee};#al gateme {#%%0 stand;#
#alias {gland} {eat gland}
#alias {go} {#tickoff;#var pk 1;#var tk 1;#var door 1;#var weapon 0}
#alias {golev} {wear shield;wear glowb;wear earth;wear boot;wear dip;rem brown;rem brown;wear 'sub cloak';wear 'sub cloak'}
#alias {goot %0} {goto $0}
#alias {greed %0} {unl $0;ope $0;get all $0;close $0;lock $0}
#alias {h} {eat $pill}
#alias {haste} {c 'haste'}
#alias {hasteme} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'haste' $self;#%%0 slee}
#alias {hc} {heal uncurse}
#alias {hd} {heal dis}
#alias {hf} {c 'haste' $friend}
#alias {hh} {c 'heal'}
#alias {hhh} {heal heal}
#alias {hidden} {c 'detect hid'}
#alias {him} {#var him %0}
#alias {hl} {c 'port' healer}
#alias {hm} {heal mana}
#alias {hob} {8en}
#alias {hot} {#al {n} {north;$dothi $target};#al {s} {south;$dothi $target};#al {e} {east;$dothi $target};#al {w} {west;$dothi $target};#al {d} {down;$dothi $target};#al {u} {up;$dothi $target}}
#alias {hp} {heal poison}
#alias {hr} {heal refresh}
#alias {ht} {hunt $target}
#alias {hungry} {get $food $container;eat $food}
#alias {id} {c 'identify'}
#alias {igor} {c 'portal' igor}
#alias {infra} {c 'infra'}
#alias {invis} {c 'detect invis'}
#alias {invisme} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'invis' $self;#%}
#alias {item} {#var item %0}
#alias {j} {$verb $item $person}
#alias {jj} {steal $stole $target}
#alias {lc} {look in corpse}
#alias {ld} {look down}
#alias {le} {look east}
#alias {level} {#var level %0}
#alias {leveler} {#var leveler %0}
#alias {levelon} {#action {^You raise a level!! %4} {$level $leveler : $4};#action {^You have %5 (%6)} {$level $leveler : $6};#action {^Str: %7} {$level $leveler : Str: $7};#al woo {#all wo};#al scc {#all sc}}
#alias {lg} {look in gate}
#alias {ll} {c 'locate person' $target}
#alias {ln} {look north}
#alias {loc} {c 'locate per'}
#alias {lp} {look in portal}
#alias {ls} {look south}
#alias {lt} {look $target}
#alias {lu} {look up}
#alias {lw} {look west}
#alias {mana} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 mana $self 300;#%%0 slee}
#alias {mass} {c 'mass sanct'}
#alias {me} {#c stand;#c c 'sanct' $self;#c slee}
#alias {mel %0} {#ses $0 9000}
#alias {mh} {c 'major heal'}
#alias {mir} {c 'mirror'}
#alias {ms} {c 'mass sanct'}
#alias {no} {#tickoff;#var tk 0;#var pk 0;#var door 1}
#alias {nt} {c 'portal' healer}
#alias {oa} {open north;open south;open east;open west;open up;open down}
#alias {obj} {c 'locate obj'}
#alias {od} {open down}
#alias {oe} {open east}
#alias {off} {tgk NULL;#tickoff;#var tk 0;#var pk 0;#var door 1}
#alias {ogj} {c 'locate obj'}
#alias {on} {open north}
#alias {orko %0} {#ses $0 4444}
#alias {os} {open south}
#alias {ou} {open up}
#alias {out} {#tickoff;#var tk 0;#var pk 0;#var door 1}
#alias {ow} {open west}
#alias {p} {c 'portal'}
#alias {pass} {c 'pass door'}
#alias {pd} {push $target down}
#alias {pe} {push $target east}
#alias {pee} {c 'portal' Eryl}
#alias {person} {#var person %0}
#alias {pf} {port friend}
#alias {pfd} {push $friend down}
#alias {pfe} {push $friend east}
#alias {pff} {c 'portal' fitch}
#alias {pfn} {push $friend north}
#alias {pfs} {push $friend south}
#alias {pfu} {push $friend up}
#alias {pfw} {push $friend west}
#alias {pg} {c 'protection good'}
#alias {pgg} {port guenna}
#alias {phl} {c 'portal' healer}
#alias {pill} {#var pill %0}
#alias {pk} {#var pk $0}
#alias {pkat} {c 'portal' katsis}
#alias {plag} {c 'plague'}
#alias {pm} {c 'protection ma'}
#alias {pmb} {c 'portal' master mindf}
#alias {pn} {push $target north}
#alias {pod} { 6000}
#alias {poi} {c 'poi'}
#alias {poit} {c 'poison' $target}
#alias {port} {c 'portal'}
#alias {portf} {c 'portal' $friend}
#alias {potion} {#var potion $0}
#alias {protect} {c 'protection evil'}
#alias {ps} {push $target south}
#alias {pt} {c 'portal' $target}
#alias {ptal} {port talemon}
#alias {pu} {push $target up}
#alias {pw} {push $target west}
#alias {qp} {quaff $potion}
#alias {quit} {#if {$pk && $tk} {QUIT};#if {!$tk && !$ticker} {QUIT;#tick};#if {!$tk && $ticker} {QUIT}}
#alias {r} {$dot $refresh}
#alias {ray} {c 'ray of t'}
#alias {rb} {#if {$pk && $tk} {rent box};#if {!$tk && !$ticker} {rent box;#tick};#if {!$tk && $ticker} {rent box}}
#alias {rc} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'remove curse' $self}
#alias {ref} {c 'refresh'}
#alias {refill} {get $water $container;#2 fill $water;put $water $container}
#alias {refresh} {#var refresh %0}
#alias {rel} {release}
#alias {repy} {reply}
#alias {res} {rescue}
#alias {return} {#var return %0}
#alias {rewl %0} {#ses $0 7272}
#alias {rewl2} {#ses %0 4000}
#alias {rf} {c 'refresh' $friend}
#alias {rith %0} {#ses $0 7000}
#alias {roll} {c 'rolling'}
#alias {rr} {c 'refresh'}
#alias {rs} {recite $scroll %0}
#alias {sa} {scan}
#alias {sanc} {c 'sanctuary'}
#alias {sanct %0} {#if {!$sancton} {c 'sanctuary' $0};#if {$sancton} {gt Already in Sanctuary.}}
#alias {sanctoff} {#var sancton 0}
#alias {sancton} {#var sancton 1}
#alias {sap} {eat sap}
#alias {sca} {SCAN}
#alias {scc} {#all sc}
#alias {scn} {scan}
#alias {scroll} {#var scroll $0}
#alias {scs} {scan;exit}
#alias {scx} {scan;exit}
#alias {self} {#var self %0}
#alias {sex} {c 'portal' sexton}
#alias {sf} {c 'sanctuary' $friend}
#alias {sh} {shield}
#alias {shieldme} {#%%}
#alias {skill} {#var skill %0}
#alias {sleep} {c 'sleep'}
#alias {sneakoff} {#unal go}
#alias {sneakon} {#al go {vis;#15 sneak;vis;#15 sneak}}
#alias {sod} {#ses %0 4000}
#alias {spell} {#var spell %0}
#alias {spir} {c 'dragon spirit'}
#alias {st} {subdue $target}
#alias {stalk %0} {#action {^You flee from combat!} {scan} {1};#action {^%%0 (PLAYER) who is close by to the %0.} {$0;$do %%0} {1}}
#alias {stat} {STAt}
#alias {stole} {#var stole %0}
#alias {stone} {c 'stone skin'}
#alias {sub} {subdue}
#alias {sum} {c 'summon' $target}
#alias {summe} {#%%0 stand;#%%0 c 'summon' $self}
#alias {summon} {c 'summon'}
#alias {t} {c 'charm person' $target}
#alias {ta} {#var ta %0}
#alias {tachannel} {#var tachannel %0}
#alias {tal} {c 'portal' talemon}
#alias {tard %0} {#tickoff;tgk $0;#var tk 1;#var pk 1}
#alias {targ} {#var target %0}
#alias {tb} {#var tb %0}
#alias {tbchannel} {#var tbchannel %0}
#alias {te} {c 'telepo'}
#alias {tele} {c 'teleport'}
#alias {tgh %0} {#ses $0 4000}
#alias {tghb %0} {#ses $0 3000}
#alias {tgk %0} {#var tgk %0}
#alias {thain} {c 'portal' thain}
#alias {thirst} {get $water $container;drink $water;put $water $container}
#alias {this} {#var this %0}
#alias {ticker %0} {#var ticker $0}
#alias {ticksafe} {#tickoff;#ticksize 90;#tickon;#tickset}
#alias {tk %0} {#var tk $0}
#alias {tt} {hold $this;$dothat $him;wear $return}
#alias {two} {tell self Out West Gate to Two Rivers;4w2swsswnwssws}
#alias {unhot} {#al {n} {north};#al {s} {south};#al {e} {east};#al w {west};#al u {up};#al d {down}}
#alias {unl %0} {unlock $0;open $0}
#alias {upwards} {up}
#alias {verb} {#var verb %0}
#alias {wa} {wear all}
#alias {wall} {c 'wall of en'}
#alias {water} {#var water %0}
#alias {weak} {c 'weak'}
#alias {weakt} {c 'weak' $target}
#alias {weap} {#var weap %0}
#alias {weapon %0} {#var weapon $0}
#alias {web} {c 'web'}
#alias {webt} {c 'web' $target}
#alias {wh} {where}
#alias {will} {c 'portal' will-o-wisp}
#alias {wp} {get $weap;wield $weap;weapon 0}
#alias {ws} {c 'wolf sig'}
#alias {wsum} {c 'wolf sum'}
#alias {wt} {where $target}
#alias {wtx} {where $target;exit}
#alias {x} {exit}
#alias {you} {#var you %0}
#action {$tgk comes flying into the room} {#if {$tk && $pk} {$dothi $tgk}} {0}
#action {$tgk has arrived.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {$dothi $tgk}} {0}
#action {$tgk is here.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {$dothi $tgk}} {0}
#action {^$tgk appears in the room} {#if {$tk && $pk} {$dothi $tgk}} {0}
#action {$tgk has quite a few wounds.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$friend               %1} {$fchannel $friend:$1} {5}
#action {^$ta               %2} {$tachannel $ta:$2} {5}
#action {^$tb               %3} {$tbchannel $tb:$3} {5}
#action {^$tgk %1pretty hurt.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$tgk disappears} {#if {!$tk} {#var tk 1;#var pk 1}} {5}
#action {^$tgk has a few scratches.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$tgk has fled!} {#if {!$tk} {#var tk 1;#var pk 1}} {5}
#action {^$tgk has some big nasty wounds and bruises.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$tgk has some small wounds and bruises.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$tgk is in awful condition.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$tgk is in excellent condition.} {#if {$tk && $pk} {#var tk 0}} {5}
#action {^$tgk retreats from the fight !} {#if {!$tk} {#var tk 1;#var pk 1}} {5}
#action {^$tgk vanishes} {#if {!$tk} {#var tk 1;#var pk 1}} {5}
#action {^You flee from combat!} {door 1;#if {!$tk && !$pk} {ticksafe}}
#action {sends your weapon flying} {#if {!$weapon} {get $weap;wield $weap;weapon 1}} {5}
#action {^The white aura around your body fades.} {#var sancton 0} {8}
#action {^You are surrounded by a white aura.} {#var sancton 1} {8}
#action {^$target               %0} {$channel $you $target:$0} {@ {5}}
#antisubstitute {(PLAYER)} {(PLAYER)}
#antisubstitute {:} {:}
#antisubstitute {Corpse} {Corpse}
#antisubstitute {MUSIC} {MUSIC}
#antisubstitute {^[} {^[}
#antisubstitute {answer} {answer}
#antisubstitute {auction} {auction}
#antisubstitute {corpse} {corpse}
#antisubstitute {gossip} {gossip}
#antisubstitute {here} {here}
#antisubstitute {mv>} {mv>}
#antisubstitute {question} {question}
#antisubstitute {reply} {reply}
#antisubstitute {say} {say}
#antisubstitute {shout} {shout}
#antisubstitute {tell} {tell}
#antisubstitute {yell} {yell}
#substitute {BLEEDING} {.}
#substitute {You can't see anything to the} {.}
#substitute {^You block} {.}
#substitute {^You dodge} {.}
#substitute {^You parry} {.}
#substitute {blocks your} {.}
#substitute {dodges your} {.}
#substitute {parries you} {.}
#variable {channel} {gt}
#variable {consume} {eat}
#variable {container} {backpack}
#variable {do} {gt}
#variable {door} {1}
#variable {dot} {eat}
#variable {dothat} {brandish}
#variable {dothi} {kill}
#variable {dothis} {subdue}
#variable {fchannel} {gt}
#variable {food} {stew}
#variable {friend} {....}
#variable {him} {self}
#variable {item} {jenn}
#variable {level} {tell}
#variable {leveler} {Gaius}
#variable {person} {null}
#variable {pill} {gland}
#variable {pk} {1}
#variable {potion} {green}
#variable {refresh} {hotcake}
#variable {return} {therin}
#variable {sancton} {0}
#variable {scroll} {jenn}
#variable {self} {Talois}
#variable {skill} {kill}
#variable {spell} {kill}
#variable {stole} {gold}
#variable {ta} {...}
#variable {tachannel} {gt}
#variable {target} {Null}
#variable {tb} {...}
#variable {tbchannel} {gt}
#variable {tgk} {Freak}
#variable {this} {black staff}
#variable {ticker} {0}
#variable {tk} {1}
#variable {tkt} {===>}
#variable {verb} {recite}
#variable {water} {jug}
#variable {weap} {kris}
#variable {weapon} {0}
#variable {you} {*}
#variable {your} {*}
#pathdir {u} {d}
#pathdir {w} {e}
#pathdir {s} {n}
#pathdir {n} {s}
#pathdir {d} {u}
#pathdir {e} {w}